Qwest’s bond tender offer

February 27, 2010

Some of my more loyal reader(s) will recall that one of the very first stocks I suggested on our site was Qwest, on the grounds that it had on the order of $750 million in depreciation expenses that was not being made up for with additional capital expenditures. Considering that the firm has a P/E […]


I’m a Chiquita banana, and I’ve come to say

February 21, 2010

Poe said that the best place to hide something is in plain sight, and Peter Lynch suggested in his One Up on Wall Street that the reader’s own consumption patterns could provide a source of candidate companies. And, in keeping with our theme, we should give consideration to a company that sells fruit. Chiquita Brands […]


Who needs yields? I do, I do! (Breitburn Energy)

February 9, 2010
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Some of you may recognize our old friend Hoggy the Yield Hog over there, whom I last mentioned in the context of Breitburn Energy. I took the position that colossal plunge in unit price since the partnership announced that it was suspending distributions was entirely unjustified. The partnership was still making money; it was just […]


Big opportunities in small places (Jewett Cameron)

February 4, 2010

They do say that small cap companies, which are not commonly followed by Wall Street analysts or even portfolio managers for a variety of economic reasons, are a fertile hunting ground for underpriced stocks. Although this effect has somewhat diminished since it was discovered, as most facts on Wall Street inevitably are (apart from the […]