River Rock Entertainment Authority: The final obstacle to refinancing now resolved

May 31, 2011

Those of you who have been following my articles on the River Rock casino bonds will recall that they fall due for refinancing in November of this year, and that this refinancing process has been delayed because the casino is negotiating its agreement with Sonoma County. If you haven’t been following my articles, that should […]


Cal-Maine (CALM): Even eggs can be exciting

May 23, 2011
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Cal-Maine Foods (CALM) is one of the largest egg producers in the United States, with a market cap of roughly $675 million. Of this, $213 million is represented by excess cash and short term investments, and the free cash flow yield on the balance is roughly 16%, or 15% when considering average profit margins over […]


Servotronics (SVT) – An attractive microcap

May 11, 2011

I was sick last week, but I have returned and I brought a promising microcap company called Servotronics (SVT) with me. Servotronics is a small company; daily volume averages only about 1200 shares, but it offers excellent figures. It operates in two sectors, one of which is, obviously, making servos such as torque motors, electromagnetic […]


Revlon (REV): High debt, but positive developments

April 29, 2011
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I recently examined Revlon (REV), a makeup company which has had a spotty and debt-laden history but which has turned the situation around in the last four years, assisted by substantial overseas growth. Although the firm is still dealing with the debt that Ron Perelman saddled it with during its LBO, it offers a free […]


Smart Modular (SMOD) to go private – You’re welcome

April 27, 2011

It was announced yesterday that Smart Modular Technologies (SMOD) would be taken over by a private equity firm for $645 million, or $9.25 per share. When I recommended it here on January 3, the price was $5.94. Not bad for a few months’ wait, I think.


Consolidated Communications (CNSL) – Strong dividends and excellent cash flow

April 18, 2011

I have often found compelling values in rural telephone companies, such as Windstream and Qwest (now acquired by CenturyLink, as they throw off large amounts of free cash flows and are kind enough to produce dividends. My latest discovery in this area is Consolidated Communications (CNSL), which pays 8.4% and which has a free cash […]


Domtar (UFS) – A paper company with strong cash flows

April 6, 2011

Since my last foray into the paper industry with Boise Inc., I thought it would be appropriate to review the rest of the sector. After some searching, I have settled on Domtar (UFS).  Domtar is the largest producer of uncoated freesheet paper in North America, and also a producer of wood pulp, with operations in […]


Dell: Tons of cash, tons of cash flow

March 21, 2011

Dell, although not a company that fires the imagination, has a market cap of 28 billion, of which 12.5 billion consists of cash and investments that the company does not seem to particularly need. Dell’s free cash flow, not counting investment income, came to 2.86 billion last year, representing a yield of 18.5%. Dell will […]


Moody’s downgrades River Rock Entertainment Authority bonds: Too soon to be Concerned

March 18, 2011

Several of my readers have written me requesting my opinion on the recent downgrade of the River Rock Entertainment Authority casino bonds that fall due November of this year. The effect of this downgrade has pushed the price of the bonds from the 94 range to the 88 range based on recent prices. I found […]


Mac-Gray (TUC) – Cheap stocks live in the strangest places

March 10, 2011

As I generally adopt a bottom-up investing policy, and go into investing without any preconceived notion of what sector my stocks are going to be in. As a result, I am often surprised at the odd niches where attractive stocks hide. However, Mac-Gray Inc. (TUC) is one of the more unusual ones. They operate laundry […]