Community Health Solutions (CYH) – Side Effects include Risk

December 14, 2011

As you may know, I generally adopt a fairly quantitative process when looking for potential investments, at least at the screening stage. I first consider an excess cash position if there is one, both because it provides a source of primary liquidity and also because it often can be considered separately from the company’s operating […]


UFP Technologies – Opportunities come in Small Packaging Companies

December 8, 2011

Hello all. Some of you may have noticed that I have not been posing as much as I normally do, and the reason for that is that I have been studying for the CFA examination. The test was last week, so I now find myself again at your disposal. I thought I would kick things […]


River Rock’s Exchange Offer has Arrived

November 3, 2011

I said in my comments for my previous article about the River Rock Entertainment Authority bonds that I would have an update when there was something to update people about. I think the default and exchange offer qualifies River Rock has filed with the SEC a forbearance agreement that has the votes of over 60% […]


Conversations with the River Rock Entertainment Authority

September 11, 2011

Update: There is a new article pertaining to the default and proposed exchange offer here. As I’m sure most of you know, the River Rock Entertainment Authority has $200 million in bonds coming due at the beginning of November of this year, and although the company has expressed confidence that a refinancing will occur, time […]


DST Systems – Value from a Hidden Portfolio

September 1, 2011

I’ve been meaning to mention this, but my latest article at seekingalpha (and third editors’ pick in a row) deals with DST Systems, a company that provides IT and automation services for the mutual fund industry, among other clients, has a portfolio of stock and private equity investments that is worth a little under half […]


Windstream to overpay for PAETEC

August 23, 2011

I have been indisposed recently, but I will be ready to resume m usual schedule of posting in the near future. But before then I have some old news that needs addressing, and that is Windstream’s planned merger with PAETEC. Whenever there is a merger announced, at least one and usually more than one plaintiff’s […]


Standard & Poor’s downgrades the US – I say, downgrade S & P

August 5, 2011

I was hoping to have a nice relaxing end to a difficult week, but Standard and Poor’s has officially downgraded the United States’ credit rating to AA+. And of course, they did it when the markets are closed for the weekend just to ensure that we’ll all be good and stressed for Monday. Obviously, one […]


Real Mex misses interest payment

July 21, 2011

I have to say that I’m surprised how quickly things happen. My comments on the Real Mex bonds, which have been up for barely two days, seem sort of quaint now that the major ratings agencies have issued a cut on the grounds that the company has announced missing an interest payment. As I stated […]


Real Mex bonds: High yield and robust

July 20, 2011

UPDATE: On the night of July 20, 2011 the company informed the major ratings agencies that it did in fact miss the latest interest payment on the bonds. As I stated below, the cash flows to the company are sufficient to support the ultimate value of the bonds, but now that value is likely to […]


Acxiom (ACXM) – The Nerds of Marketing

July 9, 2011

Acxiom, a company that is very difficult to pronounce, is a large marketing consulting firm, with a specialty in data mining. The firm uses customer data gathered from clients, and its own proprietary database, to develop a multi-channel marketing strategy (e-mail, web advertising, mobile advertising, and direct mail, among others) for clients. Acxiom claims to […]