United Online needs some traction

August 9, 2010

The below post was a foray into the world of macroeconomics, a matter which I have no formal and little informal education in but I nonetheless feel perfectly qualified to give my opinion, just like everyone else. Now I would like to talk about issues in valuing United Online, a matter with which I have […]


Be very very quiet. It’s earnings season (Chiquita Brands and Linn Energy)

August 1, 2010

Benjamin Graham gave two useful pieces of advice that are applicable during earnings season. First, don’t pay too much attention to the results of a single quarter. Second, when paying too much attention to the results of a single quarter, make sure that you strip out the nonrecurring events in order to get a better […]


Earnings season part 2 – Linn Energy

August 1, 2010

Linn Energy (LINE), the other company I wanted to discuss, has a more opaque set of figures, and this may be due to the fact that their derivatives strategy is more integral to their business. But on the other hand, Warren Buffett has stated that if a company wants you to understand its financial statements, […]


Seagate Technology – Too cheap to be this big

July 26, 2010

For once I can mention a company that most of you may have heard of. Seagate Technology (STX) is the world’s largest hard drive maker, producing a wide range of standard hard drives and since December of 2009 has also been producing a line of solid state drives, although they were a late entrant to […]


Consider Selling Capstead Mortgage (CMO) Before Earnings

July 20, 2010

I have had occasion to suggest Capstead Mortgage as an attractive purchase partially based on attractive economics created by historically low interest rates, and partially based on the number of difficulties in evaluating most other investment firms that are not encountered with this one. Capstead Mortgage purchases adjustable rate mortgages on a leveraged basis and […]


Don’t cut out the middleman: Tech Data

July 12, 2010

Tech Data (TECD) is a distributor of electronics in the US and European  areas. Its role is to sell a mix of primarily IT products from original  manufacturers and entities identified as “value-added resellers” and to  perform various related ancillary services, and it is one of the largest such distributors in the world. Approximately 30% […]


This is the Dawning of the Age of Accountancy (Orient Paper)

July 7, 2010

Orient Paper (ONP) seems to have much in common with my other Chinese ideas: A high historical growth rate; a P/E ratio of 9 at current prices, a decent balance sheet, a Byzantine corporate history involving an offshore holding company and this time not even lumbered with a set of unusually high receivables; and being […]


China unpegs yuan; HQ Sustainable unpegs health products

June 29, 2010

No doubt all of you have noticed that China has recently unpegged their currency to the US dollar, preferring to key it instead to a basket of foreign currencies. Of course, having a fully floating yuan is pegging it to a basket of foreign currencies; it’s just that the peg is to every currency in […]


Declining is not the same thing as doomed (Deluxe Corp)

June 26, 2010

Investors nowadays have an unhealthy obsession with growth (and by nowadays, I mean since about 1870). I,  for my part, have no objection to growth, but as I have stated, I don’t like overpaying for growth, which usually simplifies to “I don’t like paying for growth.” But if growth is king, and people are willing […]


Is depreciation or depletion really free cash flow

June 7, 2010

It has been observed by me, and possibly other people, that free cash flow, more than earnings, is a correct measure of an equity investor’s true returns (free cash flow is earnings plus depreciation minus capital expenditures). The logic behind this goes back to Benjamin Graham’s notion of calculating true earnings; he said that before […]