HQ Sustainable Maritime Industries – The HQ Stands for High Quality?

May 17, 2010

I suppose that my loyal readers are tired of hearing me going on about cheap Chinese stocks, but value investors have to go where the value is. Some Chinese stocks, small and overlooked, seem to show up on my screens more often than I would expect considering the China cult, and although HQ Sustainable Maritime […]


CenturyTel to Steal Qwest Communications Inc.

April 22, 2010

It was announced today that CenturyTel will buy Qwest Communications, subject to shareholder and regulatory approval, for $10.6 billion, or $6.02 per share, in an all stock deal. If you’ll recall, way back in June I recommended Qwest as a company with an ample free cash flow in excess of its reported earnings. At the […]


Beware of the Gumbiner (Hallwood Group)

April 20, 2010

Much of the issues surrounding executive compensation is a concern that the manager’s interests should be aligned with the shareholders’. We have seen large cash salaries giving way to stock and options grants, and now the concern is that CEOs will do whatever they can to juice the price of the stock when their options […]


Blaming the “victim” (Chiquita Brands)

April 15, 2010

As my loyal readers may recall, my verdict on Chiquita brands was “Cheap, but evil.” It turns out that the law firm of Boies Schiller agrees with me, since they have recently filed a class action on behalf of 242 Colombians who were the victims of a Colombian paramilitary group that was running a protection […]


The Dark Side of Valuation: The power of smug

April 10, 2010

One of the chief benefits of value investing is the pleasant feeling of smugness it incites in its practitioners. The impression created among value investors is that we are really the only people who know or care about valuation or fundamental analysis, or who have the slightest hope of achieving long-term investment success. Well, on […]


Be careful what you wish for with China’s currency

April 6, 2010

Now that Easter is over and the spiritual affairs of the world are in order, we may look again at temporal matters. And when it comes to temporal matters, a coming trade war with China is a big one. We now read that there is pressure on the administration to declare China a currency manipulator, […]


How to buy money for nothing (Endwave)

March 19, 2010

Montier, in his Value Investing, spoke of the folly of looking at the price/sales ratio, which, considering the variety of earnings margins and capital structures, makes companies more or less incomparable with each other.  He described it as nothing more than a transparent attempt to go up the income statement until the company looks good. […]


Care about what other people don’t, and you’ll earn what other people don’t (Conn’s)

March 12, 2010

I was discussing value investing on a forum I frequent, and an objection someone raised to value investing is that everything that is knowable about a company is rapidly processed and analyzed by people who are smarter than you and have larger resources and bigger staffs. In other words, that markets are efficient, although he […]


No need to be psychic about investing

March 5, 2010

The SEC, naturally embarrassed about letting Bernie Madoff get away with it for a mere 14 years, has taken to putting press releases on its homepage announcing their upcoming securities fraud actions. This  one, though, is particularly good. SEC Charges Nationally Known Psychic in Multi-Million Dollar Securities Fraud Now, securities fraud violations are like potato […]


Qwest’s bond tender offer

February 27, 2010

Some of my more loyal reader(s) will recall that one of the very first stocks I suggested on our site was Qwest, on the grounds that it had on the order of $750 million in depreciation expenses that was not being made up for with additional capital expenditures. Considering that the firm has a P/E […]